
Computer Back To Normal

So it was the power supply, and I didn’t have to resort to spending a ton of money (well, yet anyway).  After installing the new power supply, and finding the solution to my next problem (the system running super-slow with 4 1G sticks of RAM) – installing a BIOS update, everything is back to normal […]

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Puppy Pics

No, not my puppy, my mother in laws which was brought over for a couple of beauty shots last weekend.  Enjoy the shots of “Tux”.

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Olympic Torch Passing By

Olympic fever has hit the city! This morning the torch passed through downtown Vancouver and with a little luck and timing, I managed to get a spot right close to where the torch hand off was made. More images are up on the set on flickr.

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Another Sighting

Thanks to Meege at my previous work for passing this on. Turns out the famous picture of mine has once again been used illegally, and with malice! 🙂 This time it’s over on a video on youtube, which you can see it here. I grabbed a couple of screen caps of it for posterity (he

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Snow? Now?!?!?!

Seriously, this is nuts. Andrea calls me this afternoon at work and says there are “6 inches of snow at home”. I of course call bullshit as there’s nothing bug a light rain at work in Vancouver. Even halfway home on the train I was thinking that the snow was still no more than an

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Sun and Trees

Went out to Maple Ridge for some stuff today, ended up taking a minor detour up near my old stomping grounds and took some pictures. This one I didn’t mind that much. Horrible lighting conditions (shooting into the sun), but it worked out ok. I bumped up the colors and the midtones a bit, gave

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Kitten and Rex Friends

Well, maybe not friends, but tonight Rex was sleeping in “the circle thing” (the round red cat bed) and the kitten snuck up and made her way in…. slowly on the edge, then inside, then touching and then sleeping. Granted this was on the other side, but it was very nice to see the two

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