Hey Bear!

I’m always the last to know these things, but Bear has a weblog as well. Nifty stuff, heya dude. I have to admit that seeing yet another weblog with a look that isn’t using the default movabletype styles makes me want to do some cleaning up like foz has done.

Found this out from this site, which shows incoming and outgoing links of blogs in this huge ass spiderweb of blogs that has been created the last few years. Lots more people link straight to my home page than my journal page directly. Maybe I should do like Tig did some time ago and turn the main arcterex.net page into my journal. Hmm…

The above links were grabbed from the arcterjournal popdex entry, which is a list of the popularity of various weblogs. I’m not all that popular it seems (gee darn), but I have discovered that apparently (I can’t find it) some people that I don’t already know link to my site.

Have to do that work thing again though. Back at it…