Drinking Driving Laws

Watching TV tonight they had a man on the street interview question of “are the drinking driving laws tough enough”. Most answered no, and one guy said that they were fine, because people are going to drink and drive no matter what. Sadly, I think he was probably quite true. I don’t think people go out and say “I’m going to drive drunk tonight!” I think they say “I’ll be fine” and head home. The question really is how to get through a slightly inebriated mind that this is a bad idea?

The solution is (as it is to many things in my little world), random executions. Pass a law that says that if convicted of drinking driving, you will either get the standard slap on the wrist 24 hour suspension (or whatever it is) or random criminals contestants will simply be executed on the spot, or maybe hung in town square.

I think that even a pretty drunk mind would go “Hell, I can dri…. hmm… possibly strung up in town square? Maybe I’ll call a cab.” That’s my theory anyway, it goes along with the random-cyanide-laced-cigarettes idea I had a while back. A bit odd I know, as I’m a pacifist, and not pro-death penalty. Time to write my mayor/councilperson/whoeverisinchargeofmakinglaws.