A Rant About Downloading Games

I am a bit bored today, so I figured I’d download a demo of a game or something and spend some time being mindlessly entertained by a new first person shooter or space sim or something. I headed over to shacknews and search for “game demo first person shooter”, found one, and attempted to download it. I want to know why, for this simple situation I have to endure the following:

  • Game companies who don’t actually host the files themselves, but on their “download” page simply list a bunch of links to other download sites.
  • Being bombarded by gator spyware and similar crap from these download sites’ ads.
  • Be forced to download “spy ware and adware free” (yea right) ActiveX downloader programs to download the program.
  • Have to go through a bunch of the links that these sites have for their different mirrors, and not find one that works (or at least, one that works without me having to install spyware or adware).

In the end I gave up, I’m just not going to deal with that shit, I’d rather work.