Completely Stuffed

Last night it was my folks for Easter dinner, tonight was A’s. That’s a lot of turkey. I had to roll home, seriously, I was stuffed. Something with more people at a dinner it seems there’s more food, and therefor you eat more. Something like that. Last night at mom and dad’s it was nice and relaxed, had great food, played with their new digital camera (very nice, small, compact, beautiful screen, easy to navigate, takes movies as well as images…) and then went home. Tonight it was a table full of people and gobs of turkey and pie for dessert (maybe that’s the difference, the 4 different desserts instead of just one). Toronto won the game that was on TV, which is good I think. A’s uncle was happy because he hates Toronto and wants to see the Canucks whip them in the final and I was happy because I was cheering for a Canadian team (made up of Russians and Fins and Swedes, but that aside..).

Ok now, back to work, gotta figure out why DBI is bitching that it wants 22 bind variables when there are clearly only 21 “?”s.

Update While the params were all there, the fact that there was a missing field on the page seems to be the problem. All working now!