Final Days of Work

….. before starting the new job anyway. Well, still “in theory” at this point, as the letter is still “coming RSN.” I expect to get a confirmation email this weekend but who knows, I could be showing up in chilliwack again on Monday if not. It’s not like there’s not work to do (and I do still owe $oldboss ten dollars for a donation to the heart and stroke foundation for his kid… and I will have to pick up my prize money when Jenna wins Survivor and I get the money from the Survivor pool)… and if I do show up I’ll curse the fact I deleted my ssh keys and browser bookmarks and history.

The last day there was a little odd. Besides the previously mentioned strange problems we tried to get DBIx, Apache::DBI, postgres, and Embedded Perl to use persistant connections properly. Went out for lunch with the rest of the Lighthouse team and had some awsome Vietnamese soup.

At the end of the day I collected my headphones, piled my printouts of random stuff in the corner, took my one piece of stolen office equipment (a nice ballpoint pen…. not actually stolen of course, I’m a good boy) said goodbye to everyone, and headed home to go see X-Men 2 with a gang of people (missing the hockey game again… but we won, so yay). No final huge coding rush, no dash at the end to get documentation done… just a quick talk to the other guy there to say where I was with the stuff I was working on and that was it. One of the advantages of almost pair programming I guess.

Brian was nice enough to pick me up a new 400w power supply for cheap in Vancouver today, and as it appears my RAID reconstruction is (once again) stalled at around 21.6% (16910720/78150592), and the time to complete has climbed from 80 minutes to 800, I think I’m going to put that in and see if I can figure out WTF is going on.