Deep Thoughts on Conciousness

For some reason last night I started thinking…. “how can I be thinking?” I mean, everything that I know from science basically says that we are controlled by our brains, and our brains are basically just big ass tangles of nerves and lobes throwing electrical impulses back and forth. How the hell can those be translated into what I think of as thought?

I had enough trouble when I saw a Discovery channel show on how we can see… light hits rods and cones, that gets cross-mojonated into these cells, which go and pop up to some other cells, which send electrical impulses back through to the optic nerve, which takes that info and gives it to the brain for processing…. I’m ok with the rods and cones part, but it’s just bizzare to think that what I see now (a cow-orker, a computer, a perl book, a couple of mugs, a huge guady poster about “excellence”) is nothing more than electrical impulses relayed into my grey matter.

If sight is bad enough how do you explain conciousness? Even if you go with the theological route and say that God has blessed us with a soul and that’s how we are greater than the whole of our combination of water and source material, that’s fine and dandy, but how does that translate into my brain, just behind my eyes, a mass of mushy grey goo (or so they say), inside a round(ish) melon of bone material (which I can feel with my fingers) can make it so that I can feel, and think, and understand.

Maybe I should just stop thinking, I’m sure that this is one of those areas that even the smart people haven’t figured out just yet.