What Multi-monitor Wallpaper is not

Multi-monitor wallpaper does not mean you take a normally scaled image and display it proportioned so that it stretches wide. Some of the stuff on verybadcrc is what I consider “real” multi-monitor wallpaper, but most of it is not.

2 Comments on “What Multi-monitor Wallpaper is not”

  1. hey, saw this post on google. 🙂
    “Multi-monitor wallpaper does not mean you take a normally scaled image and display it proportioned so that it stretches wide. Some of the stuff on verybadcrc is what I consider “real” multi-monitor wallpaper, but most of it is not.
    Posted by Arcterex at July 3, 2003 10:27 PM”
    All of it is “not real” multimonitor wallpaper. some have just been cropped to make them scale better. When I put that site up long ago, there was no such thing. But most of it looks pretty good stretched. It was just the result of my searching for wallpaper to stretch over my 3 monitors at my old job. The fact that a stupid geocities site has ended up with (and still has) top billing on google means that there needs to be more multimon wallpaper websites out there, fortunately some of the “real” wallpaper sites are beginning to take notice and create “real” wallpaper for multimonitor people. finally.