iPod Card Reader. Justification, Finally?

For ages I’ve lusted after getting an iPod, but it’s just too expensive when I can get away with a 10 year old walkman set to “radio”, and fear of dropping the $500+ device and breaking it would scare the crap out of me. However, this card reader that hooks into an iPod might be justification. Now you can take pictures with your digital camera, fill up it’s flash card, offload to your 40G iPod, and keep on going. Of course, I haven’t yet filled up both my flash cards at once, but hey, gotta find reasons to spend money on techie toys instead of paying off bills or putting cash towards say, a house, right? I’ll have to start a(nother) “Get Alan an iPod” fund. Hey, it is my birthday coming up…. 🙂

That all said, it’s a neat use of an iPod, or rather, gobs of digital storage in a tiny package. More iPod accessories here.

Oh, and iTunes for Windows. Maybe hell did just freeze over. Course, chances of it being available in canada are still slim.