Detecting Apple Hardware Problems

Tis Better to Have Loved and Lost (Your Powerbook) than Never have Loved (Your Powerbook) at All

I was hoping to post an entry entitled “My Week with a Powerbook” last night or today, but after re-installing the OS several times over the last week, and having it freeze up and come back up with no hard drive again today in the middle of work, I’ve decided to post some things that I’ve encountered that eventually led to the conclusion that it was in fact a hardware error, and not me doing something. Engel you can shut up about hardware karma now 🙂

  • Getting “can’t send data fast enough for CD, try burning at a slower speed” messages trying to burn CDs
  • Strange lockups and the pinwheel of death when copying files across the network
  • Situations where apps will start pinwheeling one after the other, eventually leaving you completely locked up
  • Booting up the computer after one of the aformentioned lockups and getting a grey screen of death
  • … or a folder with a flashing “?”
  • … or booting up on an install CD after and trying to get information about the hard drive and having it sit forever getting hard drive information
  • … or telling you it can’t repair the disk with the wonderfully descriptive “error -9972”

Update: That said, the experience using the powerbook and OS 10.3 was heavenly. It’s hard to go back to WindowsXP or Linux (as far as the GUI) now, they are ugly, clunky…. ugh. Sadly it looks like I got a computer from a bad batch ($otherprogrammers powerbook is running fine) and this shouldn’t be taken as what all apple hardware is like, especially if you have succumbed to the dark side 🙂