
Saying Goodbye to my Drobo

Today, after many long years of faithful service, I decommissioned my Drobo and removed it from my workflow. The company is disappearing and it’s not working properly with the latest macOS. It sucks, because this was something that, when it first was announced, was unbelievably cool, but it seems like its time is over now. […]

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Windows Done Did Blow Up!

Another day of complete and total hardware failure 🙁  The plan was simple… help clean up the office by converting two computers into one by moving my aging linux desktop (mostly unused except for the occasional consulting project I get) into a virtual machine (using either Virtual Box or VMWare) on my more modern (but

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Upgraded My Laptop

After spending a while hitting the limit of my laptop hard drive, and being annoyed with being forced to actually cull my data and videos and music to make it all fit, I finally realized that for under $100 I could almost triple the storage space I had in it with little or no worries

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More Ironic Hardware Failures

So I spent all weekend running seagate and spinrite diagnostics on the drives in my Drobo, because it’s been doing odd things (again) lately and I’m wondering if it’s bi-polar “I have your files / no I don’t / yes I do / no I certainly don’t” nature is caused not by a failure in

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Buy My Stuff! Computer Sale!

In an effort to clean out the basement, I’m selling off a bunch of the hardware I’ve accumulated over the years, or taking it to the dump or computer recycling place. If you’re in the Fraser Valley and are looking for any of the following, email me at alan@ufies.org to let me know. Links go

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My First Apple Tech Support Experience

Conclusion: 8.5/10 I got into work today, plugged in my MacBook Pro to power, USB keyboard/mouse, network cable, and secondary display…. wait a minute, second display is still in power saving mode, that’s odd. OK, reboot. Nothing. Unplug, replug. Nothing. Troubleshoot by checking to see if the monitor works with another computer (it does), if

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