Another Cool Box

Finally got around to installing the hard drive coolers that Fred was kind enough to get me and Cat5 was kind enough to drop off last week. After a little scare the other day when this server suddenly shut itself down and wouldn’t boot up without some coaxing (it seemed to freeze when doing stuff with the hard drives), and the hot weather we’ve been having already I decided it’s time to keep things a little cooler.

The devices are pretty cool themselves, a little fan unit that sits in the front of the case which attaches to two tongues which stick out from the provided hard drive side brackets. A bit of a pain to put in because I thought you just snapped the fan fronts into the case and then plugged them in, but oh well, the box needed to be brought off the floor to get rid of the dust anyway. I even manged to get it all flush! After all that there isn’t any (noticable) increase in fan noice and there is even the nifty bonus of green LEDs (see pic above, duh) to make your computer closet just a little brighter.

One of these days I really have to consolidated the 6 hard drives I have running in this system down to something a bit more reasonable 🙁

I think when I get a house I’m also going to set up a proper rack for myself. Even if it’s just a rack in name and I just use it to put computers and hubs on I think it’d make things so much better…