
Saying Goodbye to my Drobo

Today, after many long years of faithful service, I decommissioned my Drobo and removed it from my workflow. The company is disappearing and it’s not working properly with the latest macOS. It sucks, because this was something that, when it first was announced, was unbelievably cool, but it seems like its time is over now. […]

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Screenshot of the proxmox main screen

New Job, new Tech

One of the things with my new job is that I’m getting exposed to a lot of new tech that’s pretty interesting. I’m also finding that not doing a huge amount of new tech stuff for the last 10 years or so has gotten me really behind in terms of what is out there. Some

New Job, new Tech Read Post »

Windows is Dangerous

One of my coworkers got a new laptop last week.  Friday I set it up with software, configured email, removed a ton of the pre-installed crapware that wasn’t needed, and passed it on to her. Should be all fine, all that was really needed was to install a few bits of extra software, Skype, Slack,

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Windows 8 is Terrible

I take it back. I used to say that Windows 8 wasn’t that bad, you just have to get used to it. Sure it’s a bit different, but once you start using it, you’ll start to figure out what the thinking was. I was wrong. At that time I had never “really” used Windows 8.

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My Pebble Smart Watch Review

There are many Pebble Smart Watch reviews, all similar, all unique. This is mine. I heard about the Pebble Watch on Kickstarter the day that it made it’s goal, and even though I didn’t write about it, I did back it immediately. I got back into wearing a watch a couple of years ago with

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Linux Counter Entry, 1999

Hows this for a blast from the past: All comments: Your record was created: 1999-04-23 05:07:09 Person info last modified: 2006-03-12 08:33:53 //PERSON name: Alan usage: Home, work started: 1998 homepage: //MACHINE 52939 cpu: Pentium 75 # Interpreted as Pentium/75 disk: 2000 memory: 48 network: Ethernet source: distribution: Debian country: CA accounts:

Linux Counter Entry, 1999 Read Post »

No Freebies This Time :(

Oh well, guess it’s not always a perfect world in Apple support-land.  The battery in my laptop has been less than steller lately, so I headed to the Apple store armed with this article hoping to get a new battery from them gratis.  Sadly, it was not to be.  After explaining to the guy there

No Freebies This Time :( Read Post »

Upgraded My Laptop

After spending a while hitting the limit of my laptop hard drive, and being annoyed with being forced to actually cull my data and videos and music to make it all fit, I finally realized that for under $100 I could almost triple the storage space I had in it with little or no worries

Upgraded My Laptop Read Post »

Considering Shaw Home Phone

Shaw called me up yesterday and asked if I was wanting a digital cable box for the low-low price of $0 (for the next 6 months) to “make my picture and sound better” because they were “trying to get their customers onto digital picture and sound” or something like that.  I talked to the guy

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