Selling my Soul with Online Advertising

Even though long ago I wrote that I’d never have banner ads on a site of mine, I do now. Because I’m a whore. But as I said on UFies, on the other hand this’ll hopefully help me out with a bit of extra money so that I can keep the server up and running and things paid for and everything. Not buy more camera lenses or computer hardware, heavens no, nothing like that. No, honest.

So what I did was signed up with Google’s AdSense program and set it for all text ads and put them on all the individual entry pages. So if you come to either this site or and view the main page (as I suspect many do), or view via a news aggregator, you’ll see nothing different, but if you click on an entry their or here you’ll be greeted with a soul sucking tribute to me selling out to commercialism. We’ll see how it goes anyway. Seems to be working though, according to the reports I’ve made $50 so far. I honestly do hate putting ads on my site(s), but $50 is a third of what my monthly server hosting costs are for UFies, and that’s only a week. How much of that was me clicking on ads though… I can’t say 🙂

So yea, that’s what’s up. Thanks to Gilgamesh for the original idea and Boone for trying it first 🙂