Doom 3 Is Way Too Scary

Buddy of mine messaged me this regarding Doom 3:

(23:07:40) $someguy: dude

(23:07:41) $someguy: doom3

(23:07:43) $someguy: way too fucking scary

(23:07:49) $someguy: just playin’ now, lights off, sound up

(23:07:54) $someguy: I dunno if mah nerves can take this

(23:08:00) $someguy: 2 minute intervals den I gotta break

Can’t say I disagree, that says it well. I think my thoughts were somewhere along the lines of “I don’t like this, I want iD to make it a fun and happy and bright world instead of a dark and scary one.” It’s stupid scary too, just stuff jumping out at you, but with the sound, the great graphics, and the whole ambiance… well, lets just say they did a good job. I’m just glad I’m not the only one affected 🙂

I should write Mr. Carmack, and blame him for my heart attack when the tenseness gets to me. The pinky demon when you first see him? Holy shit. Hell, the first time I fought more than one fireball throwing imp I lost almost all my health and nearly jumped out of my skin.