Christmas Is Over Now

Wow, that seemed to go fast. Just over a week ago I was up at 7am for a Friday morning (Christmas Eve) meeting, some wandering around aimlessly at work, and then home, and now all of a sudden I’m one sleep away from that 7am alarm again. Funny how time flies.

Christmas was good, nothing special happened, spent lots of time at home relaxing, got to see friends for various things, got a bunch of stuff done that was on my list (none of the really important things, like “read project management book”, but lots of “get paperwork done” and “put up pullup bar” type stuff), and spent time with family and relatives. I picked up a bunch of computer hardware at some of the pre/post Christmas/New Years sales at London Drugs and Future Shop. Among the booty is a DVD player (mentioned already) and a 160G external drive. I figure that someplace to store a second backup of pictures and a place to put other important files that are needing to be offloaded. I started (a while ago) ripping lossless audio from all my CDs and that takes up a fair amount of space, and having all my hard drives consistantly 99% full just sucks.

My big project, getting all the boxes that are down in the basement sorted out started, sputtered, but got partially finished. The basement is still chock full of stuff, most of it not even mine I don’t think, but one corner is a bit more under control now, which makes me happy. I also picked up some storage units at Office Depot last week so that my masses of computer bits (I have more IDE and Floppy drive cables than any one human will ever need) and old RAM will have someplace to go.

Watched a lot of movies as well.

  • What the (bleep) do we know – (website imdb)
  • Lord of the Rings: Return of the King – (imdb)
  • Ocean’s Twelve – (imdb)
  • National Treasure – (imdb)
  • Napoleon Dynamite – (imdb)
  • Blade: Trinity – (imdb)
  • The Bourne Supremacy – (imdb)

(I’ll try to add in my own reviews in there as well soon.)

Of all of them, I have to recommend What the (bleep) Do We Know the most, if for no other reason than it’s actual information instead of fictional fluff 🙂 It’s a limited release, we ended up heading to a tiny little theatre in Surrey sometime between Christmas and New Years with FireflyBro, Cat5, and some other folks. It was good, really good, though not quite as deep down geek as I’d hoped. It did explain some things, and bring up lots of questions, and it’s nice to see the science behind “positive thinking” and a lot of the Anthony Robbins type courses that people take. Also explains a lot of the oddities, like the monks who can go out and sleep in the snow without getting cold. In fact, it also goes into religion prayer and God, and validates something that is written by Robert A. Heinlein in Stranger in a Strange Land: “I am God”.

Lots of interesting things happened at work just before we went out out on holidays, which ScoobyD detailed nicely, but her blog seems to be messed up somehow at the moment.