New Phone Rants

So I got a new phone a bit ago, the Motorola v551, flip phone, camera attached, etc etc. First I had problems with the battery, I think that more than one day of standby time is a reasonable expectation, expecially if the phone itself is only used for about 3 minutes worth of calls. So yesterday I wandered into Abbotsford after work and got a new battery. So far so good today, but who know, I’ll see in a few days how the battery is.

One thing I bought the phone for was because I was told I could sync via bluetooth with my laptop. Cool stuff! So I asked the salesdroid when I got the battery about how to do this because the manual for the phone sucks donkey balls. Call this (Rogers) number. Ok, today I call rogers and the phonedroid. They say I’m talking to the wrong department, transfer me somewhere else. Phonedroid #2 hummed and hawed an bit and then said I had to talk to motorola itself about this (hey, great support guys, thanks for that).

On the phone with phonedroid #3 and she tried to direct me to the part of the website that she thought I needed to go to. Too bad it didn’t exist. She then talked to someone else, then someone else, and then finally decided I needed to talk to software support.

Around this time a(nother) hellish work call came in, so I had to cut out of there, but I did find the software needed.

Free download? Nope. $50, or, $100 for the software and a data cable. Screw that! Geez, the whole point of getting this phone was so that I could avoid the cost of syncing by internet (cost per kb) or buying a hugely overpriced cable ($50? I think not!). So much for that idea, or my concept that bluetooth connections “just work”.