Shooting the Band

A few days ago I headed out to take some pictures of my buddy Shaggy’s band, The Dirt. I had talked to him a bit before that and gone out to see them play at a club, and since them have been using them as guinea pigs to get more experience in the “doing” of taking pictures. I had a blast out there, and it was a perfect setting as well, nothing but open cornfields behind where they meet to practice. Of course, while I’ve been using them, they’ve also been using me (curse you you devious musicians!) to get pictures taken 🙂 Works out all around in the end, and now my pictures grace the pics part of the bands website as well as The Dirt’s page on Artist Blast. Very cool, very honored, can’t wait to do more!

I have to give the guys a plug as well, The Dirt has a unique sound, kind of a rock/swing feel which is hard to describe but really easy to get into. They have some MP3s and videos on the site, so check ’em out. You’ll also find I think that they are pretty impressive for a “garage band” 🙂