A Weekend of Reconnection

This weekend was pretty nice…. relaxing and busy all at the same time. I finished up a contract project for a friend of mine, which was nice to get done. Darren and K were in town and we managed to hook up briefly, show K the house, and sit and relax a bit. Way to short though, I’m going to have to find my way to Edmonchuck soon. I also realized how much more work there is to do on the house, nothing points out what you haven’t been doing than having friends over who haven’t seen it before 🙂 Oh well, such is life, and that’s what the winter is for right? Also managed to hook up with Cat5 for sushi and Yohimbe and Webdiva for a much needed curry fix. Mmmmm… curry.

This morning I nuked all my outlook reminders that have been overdue. It felt very empowering. Fresh slate for the week and all that.