Adventures With My Car

An odd thing happened coming home from work yesterday.  Out of nowhere about 5 minutes from work my car suddenly died.  Just turned off.  I coasted to the side of the side street I was on and thought “that was odd”, then started back up and kept on going.  About 5 minutes down the road (this time on the highway) it happened again!  I was lucky to be able to move from the fast lane to the side of the highway easily enough, as the power steering dies when the power is off and the thing went from sports car to brick as far as navigation. 

Again I thought “that was odd”.  This time when I started it up it would rev and die.  Tach just hit 0.  Did this two or three times and then I gave it a footfull of gas and it started up as normal again.  I turned it off and on a few more times and then wondered what the hell to do.  I had BCAA‘s number in my cell phone but didn’t know what to tell them. “I’m in a perfectly working car beside the side of the road”?

I drove home on eggshells, not touching the windows or radio or anything just in case that had something to do with it.  Last thing I wanted was for the car to die while I’m in the middle of the bridge. 

So now I’m not sure what to do.  I probably should have it looked at, but without any symptoms for a mechanic to see, it’ll probably be hard to diagnose.  On the other hand, the thought of my car randomly stopping out of nowhere is a non-too attractive prospect.