Vancouver Skyline Panorama

This is a composite of seven images I took a couple of weeks ago when I had to stay late at work to help with a server move. After it was done I headed to the Londsdale Quay to a deck that’s left open and lugged my backpack with camera, lenses and tripod. Other than a young gent who came up and asked if it was all right to smoke a doobie beside me it was quiet and I happily snapped away with both my 16-45mm and 70-200 lense. I combined about 7 images together in PTGui and with a bit of adjustment in photoshop, I’m pretty happy with the results. This is from the longer lens, the 70-200 taken at around 200mm with settings of 3 seconds @ F8.0 (if you’re interested in the nitty gritty details).

Have a couple of other things to post later on that seem like they might not totally suck as well.