Thank You Apple for the new iPod Touch

Finally, Apple has created the iPod Touch for me. This is the version of the iPod that I’ve been waiting for for the last couple of years, and I haven’t gotten myself an iPod yet.

Fullscreen video, the same touch system as the iPhone…. beauty. The only thing that I’m disappointed about is it doesn’t have the same 160G disk that the iPod Classic (previously just iPod) has. Heck, even a 64G flash drive would be nice. Ah well, I think I’m going to go for it, 16G would work for me… I just am going to wait for it to actually arrive in stores so I can play with it 🙂 I also hope that the connector interface is compatible with what’s out there now, so the connector I have for my car stereo works.

Just for shits and giggles I may think about getting an iPod nano as well, for the gym, I’d really hate to drop such a beautiful thing off the treadmill or something.