Another Huge TV Night (Fall Premiers Part 2)

I’m so glad I got my MythTV box updated over the weekend with now a total of three TV tuner cards, allowing me to record three shows simultaneously, with the option of watching “normal” tv as well (not through the PVR at all but on the TV normally).

So tonight we have:

  • Prison Break (new episode). Grrr… once again I’m sucked in. Dammit.
  • Terminator (new episode). Ditto.
  • The Big Bang Theory (season 2 premier)… I hope it’s as amusing as last season.
  • Heroes Clip Show. Nothing new it sounds like, but probably it’s a good idea to remind yourself of what happened last season.

Those are all going on at 8pm (PST). Then at 9 we have:

  • Heroes (the actual episode). I so hope it’s kick ass like season 1 and not sucky like season 2.
  • Prison Break (same as before). Luckily this has a second showing so I don’t need 4 TV tuner cards.
  • Boston Legal (new episode, season premier maybe?). I got into this at the end of last season, it’s fairly amusing, not a must-see like Heroes or Prison Break though.
  • The Mentalist (season pilot). This could be interesting, I almost hope it completely sucks so I don’t have to add more TV to my watching list.
  • Heroes (the second hour of the premier). Hoping still that this doesn’t suck.

So there you go… that’s a lot of TV to go through! Glad I went through my recording schedules last night 🙂