UFies.org (and TDIClub) Having Issues

In case anyone has thought that here is a good place to get info on why UFies.org is maybe having some problems have hit a jackpot! Unfortunately, I don’t know all that much. There was a network “incident” this afternoon where we were down completely due to a switch being broken at the hosting company. Currently the nameservers that UFies uses seem to be down, so I’m re-routing things so that mail can start going properly again. Oh, and their support number voicemailbox is full, so I’m guessing I’m not the only one to be reporting this 🙂

Will update when there are updates.

Update #1: Looks like there are still routing issues, which is causing DNS resolving issues (even after putting in the openDNS servers to use). So my guess is that the hosting company’s network is a bit FUBAR right now, and there’s not much I can do about it on my end here. Hopefully this will resolve itself soon.

Update #2: And like magic, everything is fixed in the morning. Looks like the hosting company’s router is back up and going.