
Gentoo On The Server

Slashdot brought up a story called Gentoo On Server Considered Harmful, a note on a blog entry by Cuzimatter on his experiences, both good and bad, with Gentoo Linux. One of his assertions was that Gentoo was too risky for servers: The best way to keep a system stable is to get it working and

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New UFies Box Progress

New hardware is coming along. Other than sounding like a 747 taking off, it’s a sweet box. Sadly the default Gentoo install CD didn’t include all the right drivers needed to boot up properly, so I burned an Ubuntu install CD and plan to do a standard Gentoo install via chroot from a minimal install.

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New Server Incoming

Well, last night I headed out and met up with Fred for dinner and to collect the new UFies.org server. Good to see Fred again as well, caught up with each other (damn you for moving so far away!). The server is gorgeous…. a 2U, dual hyperthreaded 64 bit system with 6 gigabytes of RAM

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UFies.org Re-creation Status

Below is a list of the things currently not working on UFies.org (which came up just fine it seems, many thanks to cat5 and Fred). /home copied over /home permissions Pretty sure this is ok now user accounts accessable permissions tweaked for blog users etc Far as I can tell anyway apache suexec support tdiclub

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Server Swap Tomorrow

Tomorrow is the big day. The system that’s been sitting (hulking is more like it) on my desk beside me, towering to the roof, the system that has had it’s drives bashed and broken and plundered, whose newly installed OS has been tested, retested, and then tested some more, will find out if it makes

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MySQL and Performance Problems

Over lunch today I finally resolved the last blocker issue on the newly set up UFies.org box. Everything went in fine but I found while doing some testing on a site with large database tables that performance sucked! The problem could be narrowed down to a query which takes 0.1s on a heavily loaded debian

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Server Real Close Now

Things are really close now. I’ve basically spent the last few evenings and mornings testing, installing, configuring, bashing my head against the desk, and repeating. However, things are done as much as are needed at this point I think. I have mail, apache and the databases going pretty much as much as I want to

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UFies Rebuilding Nicely

So it looks like all my problems were caused by a buggy kernel or buggy drives in the boot CD. I feel like such a dumbass for not trying a different CD when I was there. I booted up on a Knoppix CD and had full speed on IDE on the motherboard and no problems

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