
Another Apple Support Win

As I mentioned a while back (not here, my blogging has been lacking lately), my power cord for my laptop frayed itself down to the wire.  So I made myself an appointment at the Apple Store down the road from my work, and went in today to hopefully deal with it.  As expected, it was

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Much Ado About ‘iAds’

Seems that since Apple started serving ads from their new mobile advertising platform, named ‘iAds’, there’s been a bit of a tizzy, with people mocking them for saying that they are ads that you’ll want to see, and how dare they advertise ads in your mobile phone as a “feature”. First of all, I hate

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A Quick iPhone Wishlist

What would be really awesome to have on the iPhone, and I’m sure it’s completely doable, as the device is just a little computer, is advanced incoming phone call management, like Google Voice. For example, I’d love to be able to set up my phone so that: Contacts from my “business” category are either silent

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My Massive Apple Support Fail

OK, this is going to be long and ranty I think, so I apologize in advance. About a month ago I bought a set of “premium” apple headphones for use with my iPhone. The default iPhone headset had been the victim of being crushed under my laptop, and the microphone/clicker wasn’t clicking properly. I figured

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Some iPhone Details From Rogers

Update: Thanks Boone for the digg! So I finally got off the phone with Rogers and have a bit of information that might help my fellow Canadians with navigating the tricky waters that is figuring out WTF Rogers is doing with their plans. I have a feeling that they might not be so much evil

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