

A decent night with a few strange occurences. Went out to dinner with Iambe and then wandered down to the river to relax and stargaze. Somehow I ended up half naked with my new shirt [archive.org link] on the ground in front of me explaining the obnosficated perl to her (the code is really not as much deep magic as some of the other japh stuff. Then I got beat on for using words that don’t exist (like “obnosficated”), but was relieved that “hypothesi” (the plural of hypothesis) did exist (no matter what ispell says).

Came back home to watch my one soap opera show (<hanging head in
shame>), Dawson’s Creek. Ah, the trials and tribulations of those we live
vicariously through.

To catch you up to the end of last season (I think). Dawson and Joey got togeather, finally after like, years of secretly loving each other but being friends, then they broke up because Joey decided that she needed space and to “find herself” and so on. Sometime after that they got back togeather. But then Dawson saw her dad smuggling dope again (he had just gotten out of jail and her family was whole again and everything was rainbows and cotton candy for her) and had to tell her… and then he and the cops used her to tape her dad admitting to it and then being taken away. Imagine being the one to get the evidence to put your own father away, especially after he is out and everything is fine and dandy again! After that she couldn’t forgive Dawson for what he’d done and broke up with him again with a “I never want to speak to you again.” I was crushed.

I suppose the lives of those on TV can’t be happy and normal because then what interest would we have? There always has to be some sort of turmoil going on to keep us wondering what will happen next episode. This gives me hope that Real Life isn’t like that on TV.

Are we a product of genetics, upbringing, or a mix of both? Convo sparked this. Genetics and upbringing are almost the same, in a family where the child and parents are togeather for the majority of the childs life anyway. I sometimes say I’m stubborn because of my german side (not sure if this is an accurate stereotype or not, maybe the german’s aren’t stubborn and it’s the english? hell, who knows). But it would be more likely that I am stubborn because I grew up in close proximity to a german parent.

But if this were true, people who grew up in abusive or other “bad” environments would all be destined to turn out “bad” themselves, which doesn’t always happen (though I’m sure there are all sorts of statistics about this I could find but won’t bother to and instead will simply make assumptions). So what of it? Are you destined to be the same as your mother/father/growing up environment/ethenticity? (is that another new word or just a bad spelling?) I don’t think so. I know too many people who have been through hell and back and had bad hard times or wacked out growing up conditions who are not like that. They are scared that they are going to turn out like their screwed up family, but I don’t think that this will happen. It depends on the person mind you, but these people are strong and have their heads on straight, and who have the ability to change.

Maybe what I’m saying is that your parents and/or growing up environment do have an effect on you. However, the effect it has on you maybe to show you what to do, or what not to do. And I think, with the people that I know anyway, that they have the strength of character, learned or inbred, to become the person that they want to be.

Ok enough waxing philosophical for now.. head over to Raskal‘s [archive.org link] journal and laugh your ass off at today’s entries.