
Nothing like a 14 hour work day to make you feel alive šŸ™‚

First of all, appolagies to my friends and fans who have been wondering where the hell I’ve been. Work has been busy, hell, life in general has been extremely busy the last little while, and I haven’t had the time to even hop online for very long. The new place is taking time, organizing things here and there (I still have a bunch of stuff to get from my parents place (including a plant! whoho!))… and I still have a couple of boxes and the top of a desk still packed and unorganized (well, beyond the ‘I can live without this for the next while’ thing).

Things at work are going well… gearing up for Comdex next week (if you’re in the Vancouver area head down and look for NetMaster [archive.org link] in the Linux pavillion eh?) and doing support. Support and installs have been the bane of our existance the last two weeks… everything taking longer than it should and acting weirder than it should. Had a box blow up and not boot… hell, not do anything… brought it back to the office and swapped things around, and ended up that it worked fine. Or seemed to. I could have slipped onto another plane of existance for a bit or something.

Today and yesturday when not doing installs or coding (I got to code tonight! that’s why I stayed late… coding coding coding, not dealing with Mike or Henry or any of the people I don’t like talking to about support) I was watching a box that would lock up randomly for no reason at all. But only during the day. Argh.

So what else has been going on? Well, I ran out of clothes today and was forced to do laundry when I got home at 11:30. While getting the last load I was accosted by some old (70) drunken (2 “Wildcat” cans in his hand) guy who told me his life story and asked me about mine when all I wanted to do is get my laundry so I could go to bed and sleeeeeeep!

Yesturday I got a new desk. Well, not really. A buddy of mine (EsoBOFH) snagged the old desks we had at the board and offered me one. So with A’s help and huge truck we got it back here in one piece.

Only one problem…. it’s facing the wrong way. That is, the long part of the “L” of it is on the wrong side. It should be on the side against the wall, with the short side sticking out into the living room a bit so that I can have it set there so I can watch TV and work on the computer at the same time. But the long part of the “L” is on that side… so it’s either face the wall (instead of the window/tv) of lose a chunk of living room. After realizing that if I really wanted to I could turn my entire house into a Coke appreciation shrine if I wanted, I gave up the living room chunk. Hell, I even took my old desk to make a U (and place for the other computer) for my…. Computer Command Center šŸ™‚

I’m wondering where I had the keyboard before on here… I’m at a wierd angle due to moniter angle and desk height and stuff. I’ll work it out though.

With my mouse hand wrapped around and with the elbow on something my Quake game is off too šŸ™

Much more to say, too tired at the moment though. I’ll get pics RSN of all the new stuff šŸ™‚