
Workout Arcterstatus:

Today I didn’t do so much hacking and did more weights. Not totally satisfying, but not terrible either. Increased the time I could hold 2 10lb weights horizontally out from my shoulders from 35 seconds to 40 (though I’m not sure if that’s me increasing in strenght or just “finding my weight”. shrug.
I opted to do weights instead of running this morning due the rain. I hope it’ll be better tomorrow.

Did some testing on my home system today and found that I wasn’t totally wrong with my 511/1500mb findings from the other day. My home system, using a very similar system to that on ufies.org, gave the following info:

All matched Total size 780808K ( 745M) , real 125534K ( 120M)

(And this is on a totally unloaded server).

So I’m going to see about getting a meatier box for ufies, as slashcode does exactly what I need. And seeing all that it can do gives me more ideas on how to make a better site than writing all the backend and resulting in less stuff. Imagine a “Movies” section a la “ask slashdot” instead of just a page. All the same comments etc. Now don’t get me wrong, I could write this myself, but I’d much rather concentrate on making a good site with existing, proven software.

ObObnosficated: Sillz I shall sacrafice some diet coke to you today.