
Ah yes, just when you thought my life couldn’t get any better, and things were all roses, dancing girls, and fresh herring…. yup, another person (and I use that term loosly) decided to back out of their parking stall beside mine and crunch my sidepanel. Remember this? Well, in almost the same spot yet another bumper of evil got me. This one isn’t going to be polished out though… The metal by the wheel well is crumpled a little and the nice shiny rim (sport wheels I believe they were billed as) got all munched up. I get the joy of talking to the backstabbing bastards named ICBC tomorrow to see how much of the damage they are going to say “it was probably there beforehand” to. If they do try to screw me out of it.. well, I’ll be angry. I am only guessing they’ll try mind you, I might be lucky (pah!) and have them say they’ll replace everything.

The only good news in this is that there was a nice guy who saw it happen and got the bastard’s plate number, so I got to go to the police station (and talk to a very nice constable named Stenbeck) and file a report. As much fun as that sounds, I could think of much better ways to be occupying my afternoon with (like coding C! wh00p!).

Oh yea, to make my night really great I woke up to cat puke on the bed this morning at 6am. Joy… lucky the bed is large enough I can just sort of slide over to the other side. Oh, and the timing was good too because I just did the laundry last night too. Fun fun. (well, at least I didn’t have to start turning my underwear inside out).