Mondays can happen on any day of the week


Got out of the gym with Cat5 this evening and as I’m exiting the doors a fucking bottle rocket rips past my head. Some little dickhead (or 2) decided that shooting bottle rockets around a corner at the door would be a Good Idea. I was (rightfully) pissed and yelled and ran, and the little fuckheads standing around moved their eyes down and avoided eye contact with this no-fun grownup who yelling at them. Man, adults. No fun at all.

Anyway, Cat5 calls 911 and reports the 100 or so kids milling around in the parking lot and soccer field shotting off firecrackers and fireworks. I felt better. Now don’t get me wrong, I have nothing about fireworks or firecrackers, hell, I still have a bag of mighty-mites and piccilo pete’s from high school sitting in my closet, it’s when you have one fly past your head and miss you by a few feet that I don’t like.


Oh, and on an aside, my leaking-like-a-bullet-riddled-coupe-de-ville program that kicked my in the nuts today by letting me fix all it’s show-stopper bugs, but deciding that it’s fun to grow from 800 bytes to 18Mb+, then crash…. well, I run it tonight after Dark Angel and it decides to work perfectly! Running for about 15 min and only taking up 928 bytes! WTF? I’m almost afraid to stop/restart it in case it’s just my fried brain playing tricks on me.


Nope. Starts at 844, login makes it go to 860, info transfer to 924. Wiiieeerdd…….. I’m not complaining though 🙂


Mondays suck. Mondays suck even more if you forget to reset one of your alarms and are jolted out of bed at 6am (instead of 7am) by that EEEEH! EEEEH! EEEEH EEEEH! noise that only the most well designed (for getting you to them to turn them off that is) alarm clocks produce. Luckily I was able to find said alarm, reset the time, reset the alarm time (which was reset in my sleepy groping of it’s minute little dials and levers) and get back to sleep for that precious hour.

Course, now I get up in the sun (or rather, rain) but at 5:30 it’s pitch black. Gotta love it.

Mom, you’ll be happy to know I’m eating more fruits and vegetables these days. <pause to munch on canned pears>

Got fed up with some programming stuff yesturday and threw some out, and went a totally different direction. I’m pretty sure that this way it’ll be done well, this morning, instead of after endless backtracing and debugging (though gdb does rock). Then I can have time to do far more intesting things. I have a couple of projects outside work that I’d like to do some work on too. One is an improved search engine type dealie (details to follow) another a little nslookup gtk/gnome app. Course, there is always the conversion of to a slash code site, the rewritting of and a host of other things that I’m sure are pressing. That and I have a huge number of books waiting for me, including Diamond Age, the Linux Kernel Book, C Elements of Style, Microserfs (again), Cryptonomicron, GTK/Gnome Application Delevopment, and the Blender [ link] manual (hmm…. if I got a blender I could make margaritas too).

Took Friday off, that was nice. No one around, nothing to do. I think I was half dressed by 3pm, and able to deal with people around 5 or 6. Very relaxing, I shall have to do it again RSN. My big project last weekend was organizing my bookmarks, which I did admirably. I lost one section somewhere (linux->gaming) and have to add an Arts->movies (for things like [ link]), but other than that I’m quite happy. I still have to deal with a couple of major design issues, such as these days everything is going in the personal toolbar, which sort of defeats the purpose. Only things that are commonly accessed (and IMHO more than once a day) should go there. The rest should be in a say, Common folder so that no sites on the morning surfing run are left out.