Please Come to Boston

I think I’ve come to the conclusion that there are some things that some people are good at and some things that people just aren’t good at. That and that there are at least two types of people in the world. One is the math/number/coder type people who can admire code and computers for their beauty and think to themselves how awsome it is that you can poke around and find the data at a memory address if you need to. The other group is the artsy group, who love abstraction, acting, feeling and that sort of thing. Things that cannot be objectified or codeified (guess which group I fall into).

Anyway, I was helping an old friend of mine (theatre major) with some programming homework. Sure, I’ve been coding for more than a year or two at this point, and I know I’m not that great a teacher, but I could see the blank look when I’d say something like “so what does this line do?” “prints out the number” “what number?” “the number in numb [the variable name we were using]” “which is?” “whatever’s in there.”


Don’t get me wrong, I love helping people, but somethings I just “get” and somethings you just don’t “get” 🙂

Long day. Bless Electric Fence for finding all my bugs. Curse Electic Fence for picking up bugs where I have no idea what the problem is.