Happy Birthday to me….

Well, my day (morning) off started with two distinct and connected dreams.

The first one is less remembered, but it had to do with the end of the world approaching.

The second was about it being a lot closer. There was going to be a supernova and I was at college (not my real one of course). Basically everyone knew that everyone was going to die. Kinda depressing 🙂 For whatever reason I was more concerned with getting some songs out onto napster [archive.org link] that I had made/written/gotten/something. They were for my first girlfriend (for what reason I have no idea). That and I was very concerned about how to get people to download them and start distributing them. Weird. Anyway, as the end of the world approached, people started collecting water, “It’s going to get hot.” The only image I remember from the dream is standing inside the building looking out through a window and people were walking along the edge of the window on the glass separators (I guess there was just enough angle on the building that they could walk normally). The people were kinda switchbacking back and forth and getting higher, ignoring the fact thatthey were, well, getting higher. I think at that point I realized that it didn’t matter if they died by falling, it was going to be better than slowly frying from an exploding sun. I think around them I was woken up by the phone.

Visions of the end of the world? Hmm…. scary thing is, assuming mankind doesn’t kill themselves off in the immediate future, and the earth doesn’t decide to us off, we’ll face something like this in a few million or billion years. I’m hoping that by then we’ll have the technology to move somewhere else though. Tom Swift encountered this in one of the “new” Tom Swift books, and he fixed the sun by diverting a small black hole through the sun to suck out the excess energy….

Hey, you never know.

So what am I doing today? Relax. Hack a bit at the active alert stuff that appears to have stopped working for no real reason on the test boxes. Go to the UF party [archive.org link] a bit early and play on the SGI boxen that apparently render Q3 smooth as silk with all the graphics options turned on and at 1280×1024! Wow.