Ever wonder if what goes on in your head is normal?

So what has gone wrong tonight so far? Well, not a whole lot, but the three things impacting me right now, as I sit and eat a late dinner are:

  1. Leaving the toaster on “Bagel Mode”. Until today I didn’t know what bagel mode was, but I thought it was pretty cool that I had a toaster that had it. Seems that on bagel mode only the inside coils heat up, so that your bagel is toasted nicely on the insides, but not the outside. Sounds good right? Yup. Too bad I was toasting bread. Now I’m eating my fried egg on toast where the toast is only half toast. One side is a nice brown, the other, well, isn’t.
  2. Recently I’ve tried to get green tea that is nice. Whenever I go and get sushi I drink gobs and gobs of the green tea. So I went out and got a couple of different flavors the other day to try. Well, there is definately an art to it, which I haven’t quite mastered yet. I tried a tea ball with a lot of leaves…. didn’t work. Tried a few leaves just in the bottom of the mug… didn’t work. Not sure what to try next.
  3. When selecting sandwich bread, do not choose something like, say, french bread, which works nicely for sandwiches, but poorly for anything where you need to flip a fried egg onto it (I don’t know how you eat your fried eggs on toast, but that’s how I do it).

Just got back a while ago from seeing Men of Honor (DeNiro and Cuba Gooding Jr.). Not a bad movie… a little more cheesy, in your face racism-is-bad, and blood and gore than I would have liked, but still a decent movie. A silvercity type theatre is good, but not required. If you go to a SC go on a tuesday.

Speaking of BASTARD RIPOFF ARTISTS SILVERCITY, they decided that their recent increase of price to $12 (from $11, which came only a month or two after it went from $10 to 11) wasn’t good enough, so BASTARD RIPOFF ARTISTS SILVERCITY raised it another $0.25. Sure, only a quarter more, but think of it this way. Last month I was paying $12 for a movie. Two or three months before that, $11. Oh, and you have to buy your overpriced food from them too (do you know that BASTARD RIPOFF ARTISTS SILVERCITY charge you $0.50 for butter on your popcorn? Nuts! I’ve never seen that before anywhere. I was there last month seeing the new/old Jackie Chan movie Legend of Drunken Master and got one of their meal deal thingies when I got my movie ticket. You get a popcorn and pop for [some random price that’s 2x what you’d pay anywhere else] and you get it at the same time you get your ticket by interac at their little machines. So I go and take my receipt to the counter and show it some obviously highly underqualified person who asks, “would you like butter with that?” I say yes and she went off to get it all. After far too long a wait (apparently they don’t train people on how to do their meal deals) she comes back with (to my shock) the correct size/type of popcorn and pop. Then she informs me that “that’ll be $0.50 sir.”

Now first of all, who carries cash with them anymore? When I come to BASTARD RIPOFF ARTISTS SILVERCITY, I don’t come with cash. The reason I got the meal deal ticket in the first place was that I didn’t want to bother with cash. I didn’t even have change in my pocket and if I did I probably wouldn’t have given it to her anyway. After explaining that butter is extra, and me explaining that well, that’s nice but a) I don’t have any cash and b) no one told me this when I ordered either the ticket or the meal itself, they decided that they could live without the $0.50.

I think next time I go to BASTARD RIPOFF ARTISTS SILVERCITY, I’m going to walk in with a case of coke to drink during the movie, and not buy their overpriced swamp water crap.

Speaking of swamp water, my green tea’s not looking or tasting so good.


Let me retract that…. it’s tasting ok, but not the same as I like. Practice practice I guess.