Happy Pot Day Duuuuuude

Or so I’m told it’s pot day or something like that. A couple of references to “4:20” have passed my way through TV and stuff online. Oh well, I don’t smoke pot so I guess I really don’t care less.

Ah joy, another vividly remembered dream…..

I was going to the temple on top of a very steep hill. The two people I was driving with pissed me off so I got out of the car and decided to walk. The road was a switchback and very very steep. Through the woods too, a very BC look. The people drove on ahead (or went somewhere else) and I started walking up this road, legs burning. I got a little way up and saw through the fence (there was a fence running up the hill) a bear. I froze instantly and looked for a cub, which there was none…. almost. It was a little behind it’s mom. I breathed a sigh of relief because we all know never to get between a bear and her cubs. Unfortunately, about that time the cub decided that it was going to check me out. So it comes tromping towards me and sniffs me or something, and mom doesn’t like this at all and comes charging at me, howing and very angry. I cowered in a ball and while the bear did hurt me, I didn’t “feel” it, even in my dream. Maybe I was in shock or something. The bear wanders off after I guess it was sure that its cub was safe and I raced uphill. I mean raced. This was like a mountain (class 4) and I was just motoring up.

I eventually get to the temple (which looked more like a picnic spot) and found some “friends” of mine. I tried to tell them of my adventure, and got about halfway through the story just above when they lost interest, or were distracted by something, or something. It seemed like the rest of my dream was trying to get them to pay attention to me long enough to finish my story. Maybe that is why I remember the bear attack so clearly but hardly have any recallection of the rest of the events.

Firefly and her mom did some massive changes to the apartment yesturday, huge kudos and thanks them them. The closets were outfitted with those closet organizer things, and things were moved around to creat a much better use of space. How long such great organization will last I can’t say, but I’m willing to bet that it’ll be until I have to actually use anything 🙂

Sunrun Sunday, I’m scared.

Climbing Saturday though, so I’m excited 🙂

MEC tonight so I’ll be broke!