
Dilbert fans rejoice! The Real Life™ suits are just as real as those in the strip: http://www.sjmercury.com/dilbert [archive.org link]

Things I’m proud to say I’ve learned in the last little while:

  • The ability to drink coffee black <LI>I can live quite comfortably on 4 hours of sleep a night
  • Breakfasts that consist of a peice of toast work just fine <LI>McDonalds lunchs 4 days a week
  • Weekend breakfast at 11am, supper at 4 and still not a rack of bones!
  • School has taught me to BS with the best of them.
  • Term papers done a day before, and still getting good marks
  • Assignments started at 10pm the night before they are due and still getting good marks (and an hour or so of sleep too!)

I still have to get my new HP up and done. Well, I have what it should look like in my head, it’s just a matter of my ability to create the graphics that will fullfil my vision….