

On orders from above (well, below geographically) I’m updating my journal. Appolagies for the delay, this weekend had been mega-busy. The beach trip on saturday (wow, going out into the big blue room) and the resulting vegging on sunday due to my back’s burn (Note: tanning oil does not protect you from the sun) were pretty cool. Monday was a meet in the eve with celt and illiad and iambe and roundtop and minupla and javajawa and sillz. And a very confused waiter when Iambe told him “I like to be flogged” in response to “what would you like to order”. Long story, probably best not to ask anyway πŸ™‚ I’m sure it’ll be appearing on her column [archive.org link] sometime soon.

The vi(m) vs (X)Emacs article is coming along slowly. I was going to do more work on it the afternoon (well, my afternoon was 5-7 or so as I got up at 2 πŸ™‚ but I vegged a bit and played some Q3 (which I’d be doing now if I didn’t have people downloading stuff from my ftp server as I’m downloading stuff from elsewhere. Ie: 0 bandwidth.

It’ll get done though. Note that this is being written with XEmacs πŸ™‚

Too all those who will be not only packing up but actually moving across the country in like … a day, more good luck and best wishes to them.

Now, it’s like, 3am and while I got a lot of sleep this weekend, I have to get up in 4.5 hours to go to work. Cheers all.