

Wow, what a night. Finally got togeather with a dear friend of mine (wave to Llau) and went (gasp) to a club! For the first time in ages I went to City Limits to dance the night away. I spent the earlier eve at work with da Man watching A Thin Red Line… my conclusion: it sucked. Not what I expected
(something similar to Saving Private Ryan) but instead a slow, slow movie with undeveloping characters and a wanked out plot line. It said it was nominated for awards, but did it get any? Well, probably, but that’s not the point.

Anyway, went dancing and I had a great time. My brain still was half in fun mode and half in geek mode. Questions in the geek part of the brain not letting go and just having fun included ones such as “who is that old lady really with?”, “is the girl in the red dress wearing underwear?” (no idea), “how does she get into those pants??” (I think there was a zipper on the butt), “why is that guy wearing a kilt?”, “does it surprise me that the girl with the dyed orange hair is with the guy with the dyed blue and red hair?”, “ooohhhh! <drool>” and other similar questions and thoughts.

You’ll pardon me for incoherancy as I’m quite tired right now.

So how lucky did Alan get, this manly man of a different woman every night? Well, I came home, said “ciao” to my friend, and came in to update my journal, what does that tell you 😛

Anyway, it’s almost 4:30, and I’m getting the hell to bed.