
Two mistakes, and so close togeather!

Now I’m not perfect, nor even close to it. But two mistakes…. aieee! The first one is that in my previous Dawson’s Creek update… at the end when I said it was Joey who stole the PSAT answers…. oops, it was Andy… Andy McFee, who cheated on her BF Pacey with some guy at the rehab center, who returned everything she had ever been given to him (“Even the memories?” “Especially the memories”), had stolen the notes. I guess it was my lusting after Katie Holmes (Joey Potter) that made me see her everywhere, including the last scene of last weeks episode.

The second mistake was to do an ‘ifconfig eth0:0 down’ last night, proving once again that you shouldn’t do system maintenance when you’re tired. Tom @ paralynx rebooted me though (thanks dude) and we’re back up and running (with smail running again! whoho!).

Here’s a teaser from what I saw this morning…

Jack’s little football friend, whom I at first thought was gay, is still lusting after Jen… and some cheerleading function has (or is) going to lead her to be “auctioned” off in a pep-ralley type thing. This’ll cause her to give the winner of the auction a kiss. Can you see where this is going? I think you can. Also, Joey and Pacey are hanging out more it seems… I’m not sure where that is going or if it’s good should it go that way. I could be wrong though. No sign of Eve yet this episode either (hmm….). Ok, enough till I finish watching it.