
Sleep is for the weak apparently. Just got back from watching South Park with Tig, K, IamBro, and IamBro-gf. Hilarious the second time around too πŸ™‚

So much for sleep though…. we started a little late πŸ˜›

I have paintings now! And a Christmas Tree! No pics just yet, as as soon as I finish this up I’m going to bed.

Did I mention I hate christmas shopping? I figured I’d just get a couple of things in town today… good idea, bad execution. Being as it’s 4 days till christmas, all the men are out in the malls, and it’s chaos. Oh, and the ‘ol mastercard got maxed out. Greeeaaaat… so much for putting everything on plastic. Hope my parents don’t mind getting recyled Linux t-shirts from the expo in April…

Ok, so it’s probably not that bad, though I do plan to see what I can do with this “Internet Banking” thing (no, not by stealing money!).

Another “first time in the new place” event fell tonight too. First night of spaghetti! A little over done, but that’s my fault. I’ll have to learn to readjust the microwave action though, the high setting is a little too high. That and the fact that it turns on if you push against the door sort of worries me. But it’s hidden in an area of the place I’m never in (the dining table) so I should be safe from going sterile. The bolts I got for the bed aren’t right (right idea, wrong size), so I have to hit Revy [archive.org link] for a refund on them. The only “first thing in the new place” that is left to do that’s fast approaching is laundry. Hope that I can accumulate enough loonies for it!

Ok, new pix on the cam tomorrow, as well as an update on the xmas shopping. Current number of people got for…. 3.5. People left…. erhmm…. unknown. Like I said, it’s gonna suck, I’ll make a list at work tomorrow. Oh, and my list of bitches about the new place (nit picks really, nothing here really sucks except the lack of laundry facilities, but that’s just cause I’m used to having my own washer/dryer).

Oh, and some final good news… the building manager is gonna get a locksmith in to fix my mailbox, so I’ll be able to get my mail soon! And a heatlamp bulb for the bathroom, so I don’t freeze my arcterass off getting out of the shower in the morning πŸ™‚