
Trippy dream time. My alarm just went off and woke me up so pardon the language/spelling.

The premise was that I had an ex-wife who still had feelings for me or something. I also had a nice big house that wasn’t mine. I think I went back there (or she came back there) to get back togeather with her (or she with me). Here new hubby wasn’t too pleased and decided to try to kill us. Somewhere along the way there was another guy there (my friend or something). We figured the best way to keep this guy off our backs was to shoot at him. So we did, constantly and managed to hold him off and away from the house. In the end we sort of accepted that he had more firepower or manpower than us so we planned a retreat.

There was also a part where a bunch of people were there for a birthday party, and my ex-gf was given a tape called “the sounds of the airshow.” I was then invited by iambe’s brother to hang out with him and his gf and their friend. outside with the cars and away from the birthday celebrations. I was out there originally to just get away from the birthday party though. There was a couple out there making out and closing the blinds in their car. You know those sunshades that you pull down like a blind? This car had them on every window (oooh la la).

Not sure how the above relates to the shooting or how it transgressed from watching people make out to shooting but ….

So at the end of the shooting we are making our retreat, picking up all that is left of our stuff and one of their guys makes it in to the house so I belt him hard and he goes down like a ton of bricks (not bad for someone who has never been in a real fight huh?). I kiss my ex-wife goodbye and head to the car to get out of there.

Now I’m not sure where I got the ex(s) or how iambe’s brother relates to all of this, nor why he’d want to hang out with me.