Sad Songs and Waltzes

Well, I’m back after surviving another Christmas!

Mom, Dad, you’ve probably experienced it already, but when you get back in expect a log of love from Scotty (cat). When I went in I accidently let one food bowl get empty and I was treated to the royal telling off, followed by a lot of scritchin’, meowing, and requests for head scratches and love.

Some computer updates: I’ve had a couple of weird crashes, so today a nice new shiny chassis fan got added (with a bit of force I admit). That and I also now have kernel 2.4.0-test12, patched for reiserfs [ link] (and using that on all but “/”), as well as the latest nVidia drivers for the GeForce2. Still no luck with getting quake working yet.

Reiserfs was fun though…. lots of time spent watching the copying of files back and forth between scratch partitions and real partitions. Lots of fun. But things are pretty much set here I think.

Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hde2               474474     45218    404757  11% /
/dev/hde5              9767184   4519748   5247436  47% /home
/dev/hde7              6835400   1005388   5830012  15% /usr
/dev/hde8              6835400   1755952   5079448  26% /usr/local
/dev/hde9              5598416   2118360   3480056  38% /var
/dev/hdf1              9765168   5113444   4651724  53% /var/ftp/pub/mp3
/dev/hde1             10231392   7243864   2987528  71% /root/dosc

Oh, and thanks for the tip cuv, freeamp [ link] is pretty cool!

Can’t wait till the LAN party on Saturday! Whohohooo! Fraggin’ and chicken cesear!!

Ever notice that the only times you speak directly to your toilet are

  1. When you are puking your guts out and asking it for forgiveness and promising you’ll never do this again.
  2. When it’s plugged up and the water is raising and you’re asking it “stop, please stop, please for the love of $DEITY stop, no higher, please, no higher…”

Food for thought huh?