Do other people have the voices in their heads?

Pop Quiz. Say you are a 600 pound man, dating a girl who loves you and does anything you want her to do. Now say you had a small, how you say, “affair”. If you were going to tell her this, would you…

  • Tell her that your feelings have changed, or that you need some time, or any of a thousand non-hurtful ways of telling someone you’re not going to be with her.
  • Bring her on the Jerry Springer Show along with the anorexic piece of trailer trash (and I mean that in every sense of the word) with the largest bleached blond hair I’ve seen since the 80s, and get the ho to tell her that she’s fucking you.

Personally I’d take option #1, but hey, that’s just me.

On an aside, from the next “guest”, does starting a conversation with “Well, as you may know I sleep with married men for money…” do Good or Bad for your reputation. Such wonderful phrases like “Your mama a slut, bitch” are thrown about. Such eliquance.

I’d go on a bit about the people on the show, but I’ll not waste too many electrons. All I know is I really, really hope that they get these people off a small island somewhere (or maybe grow them… hm….) and that these people never actually make contact with the rest of the population. Maybe because of it’s huge ratings (who wouldn’t want to watch a couple of guys try to fight, or a couple of girls, or hell, just a whole bunch of people) it’s seen all over the place and this is what other cultures think that western culture is (for example, right now a high paid prostitute is trying to convince her cousin that it’s not a bad thing that she’s taking her sister (19) into the prostitution game). Good God.

Someday, someday I think that I’d like to gather up all these people and ship them to Greenland, just like we talked about in high school. At least the Jerry Springer commercials admit they are “detaching themselves from normal society.

Sorry, had to get that out of my system. I’m going to go back to hiding indoors now.