My Last Few Days Here

Yup, that’s right, this wednesday I’ll be flying out [insert hand motions here] with A to Hawaii for my first holiday in ages. Of course, deadlines have slipped a bit at work so now I’m leaving in the midst of the end of final preparations (for sure this time). All I know is that I’ll be chained to my desk for the next little while. It’ll be worth it though. Most of the code is going well, my actual contributions are in two or three small areas, which should be able to be tested and written off as “Done” by the time I leave.

Preparations here for this are absolutely minimul. Except for getting tickets and passports and stuff, all I really have to do is get myself a swimsuit before Wednesday. I was thinking of one of those speedo style, skintight fit ones…. waddya think? 🙂 No, I thought not.

So what else is going on? Well, I’m just downloading the latest WFA [ link] files so I can do a bit of online fraggin’, and after that I plan to upgrade my phpnuke site to the latest version [ link]. Sometime I’ll have to find time to actually take advantage of all the cool new features…. maybe play with the layout and colors a bit more as well.