Life, Love, and Doritos

Long time no update. I’ve been meaning to for a while, collecting things each day that I may want to write about and ramble to the masses at large. Alas, each time I have time, I decided to do something more important, like sit on my ass and do nothing, or sleep, or the like. However, tonight I find opportunity to sit down for a few and recount my last few days.

Gas prices (my El Guapo) are still fluctuating rapidly. At one point Abby had 58.9 and Chilliwack had 68.9, and then the next day they swapped. I actually saw 55.9 yesturday. Too bad I just filled up.

In my travels this weekend I ended up going through Maple Ridge, and it was on a beautiful day. I passed by the Ears. They looked awsome. I decided that this summer I will hike to the top. I did it in grade 9, and decided that it’s been too long since I’ve gone hiking/camping. It’ll suck, and I’m sure that I’ll be cursing the whole way up, but I will do it. Not sure if I’ll go alone or not. Last time I went I went with Fred, Shaun, Drew and John. I still remember some of the things that happened, like John bringing up a HUGE blanket and cans of chili in a mini-cooler in his pack. Stuff like that. Maybe when I go it’ll be like a religious experience, getting back to nature thing. Not sure. I’m sure Brad will go with me if I ask though šŸ™‚

I got my RRSPs done last week as well. It was a relief to get it all worked out finally. Sucked to see my account take the hit, but alas, I hope that it shall be re-infused at the time of my refund! Well, hoping anyway. One day I really should set up a budget or something huh? Sometime soon…. course, that was supposed to be this weekend, but maybe now that HellMonth+1 is almost semi-over (or not) I’ll have an evening or two to sit in front of gnumeric and work it out.

Played a lot of quake this weekend as well. Till 3am last night. I kicked ass too šŸ™‚ Only thing that really sucks is when a server is set up so that it always has a certain number of players, and when not enough human players are there, it supplements bots. You find a nice full server, with a low ping, and find the players are mynx, orbb, etc. Hard to saw how I really was, but I came out on top a hell of a lot.

Tig came over Saturday night with doritos, iced tea, and two of the cheesiest movies ever: The Big Hit [ link] and Godzilla, King of the Monsters! [ link] All I can say is “oh my.”

Oh, and a sidenote. The Practice, and Boston Public (two of the only shows I consider worth watching anymore) are doing a crossover. Dude who is friend of dude who was doing the student got fired, and he’s hiring the chick from The Practice to get him his job back (notice how I don’t actually pay attention to the little details, like names and stuff). The Practice episode is almost over, and was pretty good. Only problem is that if he wins (I’m sure he will, I can’t see them getting rid of two characters that easily (though I liked Milton, and am not sure if he’s really gone)) what happens when he goes back to his job. I wonder how you go back to work with people you attacked in a courtroom.