Forced Funtime Should Mean Everyone

Another weird dream last night, a really good one involving a small cabin, a bunch of derilict buildings scheduled for destruction, a wierd old man, some buildings that were only thin enough for one person to be in, Iambe but with two heads, a housefire that destroyed everything but the master bedroom and some of the couches and chairs, and a bunch of fighting (verbal though I think). I really wish I could remember more of this one, which I don’t except that I was in this cabin with someone else or other people, and there were arguments, ending up in a fire gutting the place. All said and done everyone comes back as friends (I remember the two headed Iambe talking about getting married but “only two honeymoons!” (one for each head I guess). When everyone’s friends after we look around the place and there are other buildings and an old man who is really surprised that the whole place hasn’t been torn down yet. I go into one building and find important pictures in a book (page 80). No, I don’t know what of, but they had something to do with the history of the place. The old guy shows us around a bit and one of the buildings is almost “T” shaped, with the stalk of the T being extremely thin, thin enough that only little children could get into that part of the house.

I’m pretty sure that this dream held some great meaning of life, buta s I don’t remember enough…. shrug.

Finished Just For Fun. Good book, with lots of interesting thoughts and ways of thinking about things like Intellectual Property, copywrites, patents, and so on. A good explanation of why the RIAA and MPAA are cutting their own throats in trying to ban MP3s and DVD playing systems that they can’t control. Basically the way that he put it was that if you tried to hold something and control it, eventually you’d screw up, or overcharge, or in some way make it so that people find a way to get around you, and you loose it all. IE: You own a waterhole and don’t share, doling out water and charging for it, without simply sharing. Eventually people are going to find a way to get water some other way and you’re left holding a useless commodity. Same goes for the RIAA and their fight to ban MP3s. If people are forced to pay $20 for a CD with 2 songs on it that they actually want, eventually they are going to find a way to get just the songs they want. For example, MP3. The recording industry has a long history of trying to ban recording devices and ways that people have been trying to record music, and have failed time and time again. I think most recently they have discovered that CD-R devices are used, and are trying to ban them or something stupid like that. If they got their heads out of their asses they’d realize that people want more music, they just want a choice in what they can have (ie: the songs they want in an easily transportable format). Sure, they’ll trade their music back and forth, but that’s going to happen regardless, and has been since people recorded LPs onto cassettes (I know I did). If the industry embraced Mp3s and similar and found a way to live harmoniously with them, they may not find this backlash of trading. Lately I haven’t bought any CDs because I’m finding it’s much better for me (with a car MP3 player) to get my music in MP3. I also haven’t bought CDs not because I don’t want to support the artists, but because I’m sick of the RIAA and want to stick it to them in my own little way. Well, that and I’m not convinced that the $20 I pay for a CD actually makes it in more than a few cents into the pocket of the actual artist.

That and I’m still a bit pissed over the whole creation of Britney Spears and the Spice Girls thing. What happened to artists who become artists because they love music?