Bike Nazi Day!

Well, thus ends a decent week. Work has gone well, and lots of bugs have been squashed. I’m also almost done the second Harry Potter book on mp3’d audiobook, and as soon as it’s done I shall start on Lord of the Rings, to try to finish the re-“read” it before the movie opens in a few days.

Tonight I’ll be heading to an e2 con (fishsticks) and shall be meeting the likes of Pseudo_Intellectual, WonkoDSane, and a few other names that I remotely know from the site. Guess tonight I’ll find out if they are a bunch of psychos or not šŸ™‚ Looking forward to the weekend though, as usual. This morning was bike nazi day, and amazingly me and Muckhead (java weenie from work) kept up. 40 minutes is a long time to be stuck on an uncomfortable bike seat. I had to go to a job a few times during the longer “run” times, but mostly it was all good.

Ooooh! And LOTR is coming out soooooon! Can’t wait! šŸ™‚