Happiness! I have reached an acceptable head-fuzziness quotient again!

No, I’m not dead yet. Lots of interesting things have gone on lately though, keeping me kinda busy. Had some awsome salmon at the folks the other night with my uncle Peter (whom mom used to work with), and I found out (and this may or may not be true), that I’m a direct ancestor of The Blood Countess. Uncle Peter has a flair for the dramatic of course, but he’s also big into geniology, so who knows. Kinda cool if it were true though, then I’d understand where my urges to slay all the annoying little teenie boppers comes from!

Was taken out for Father’s day by my father a couple of days later, to some good good sushi, where I tried to make it as interesting an evening as possible, and introduced my parents to dessert eel.

Been messing around with the UFies.org site, and moving the old movie reviews over to a new site. Hopefully it’ll shape up a bit more soon. I also spent the last hour writing the last review [archive.org link], part of the reason this is so late!

Silverstr [archive.org link] thinks the only way to get my list of requirements for the perfect job is to be my own boss…. a fair idea, except that I really hate working for me (I’m a bastardly boss), and having me working for me (I’m a slacker, and hate the boss). Oh well, guess I’ll keep revamping and advertising my resume [archive.org link] and hoping it draws bites.

Speaking of other blogging friends (and no, the order on the top of the page is pretty arbitrary, though weighted slightly by lenght of time reading, newness to the list, and amount of updates… might be time to put it in alphabetical order though), seems scoobyD [archive.org link] is still blessed with a small furry critter, sadly not a cat (though one would help at this point). My advice via FireflyMom was to use the Walmart live traps, but make sure you check them often.

Random linkage. It’s 30megs, but well worth it. Typical Male Robot Behaviour (avi, divx) is funny and true to life, and wonderfully animated. Grab it from http://www.cronimation.com [archive.org link], along with The Geek and the Fu, his other short video. Trust me, they are both worth the watch, and I do mean full watch, as the credits are just as good as the video.