Morning Cat Story (because I’m bored)… Woke up this morning
around 8:something hearing what I swore was the cats closing and locking us into
the bedroom. I got up and found that the door was indeed closed, but not all
the way. On top of the bedroom door stood a very cute, but un-nerved, grey
kitten (this one). She had jumped
onto the top of the door and it swung away from her jumping point (the shelves
by the wall), so she couldn’t get off. I stood under her and she mewed at me a
bit, and then I remembered she didn’t like scratching people (though I have a
scar on my arm that says that sometimes she mis-calculates where peoples body
parts will be). I got my bathrobe on and turned back to where, and at that
point she happily jumped from the top of the door onto my shoulder, and then
onto the bed and floor to make her escape.