Tis the summer of moving

Well, seems everyone is moving around. The other weekend it was sending off
Iambe and Engel’s stuff, this weekend I helped Brad move, and probably on the
15th-ish it’ll be me moving upstairs. Still not sure the best way to
complete a fifty foot, one story move best. Pack and move? Move with one or
two boxes or laundry baskets over a week period, then get everyone over one
weekend to move the heavy stuff? Not sure.

Well, I’m just about to see Iambe and Engel off… They are heading to the
airport to stay there for their flight out tomorrow. Huge farwell and big
*hugs to you both, we’re sure going to miss you around here. Of
course, if the cost of a flight to Philly is as cheap as you say, I’m sure we’ll
see you before long! Now I have to find someone else to sucker into feeding the
cats when we’re away too 🙂 Anyway, good luck and best wishes for the future
from all here in the ArcterHousehold.

Oh yea… it looks like the folks from the Garibaldi
grad ’93
class (via gradfinder.com
have been talking about a get-together next June-ish, as that’ll be about 10
years (gads!). Anyway, anyone from my grad class that reads this, but isn’t
using gradfinder (free, decent service), should be at least checking it out k?